Can you escape high-rise
hotel or apartment fires? Earthquakes may destroy all the
normal exits. While traveling abroad, terrorist attacks
could demand a quick escape. When the unexpected disaster
occurs & cuts off the usual exits - an extraordinary
solution is called for.
That solution is the Parat Plus Rescue System - the only
all-in-one portable emergency escape system of its kind.
Your life may depend on seconds of escape time, so the Parat Plus is easy to use, works
automatically and no special exercise or strength is
required. Parat Plus is
available in several models to meet your security needs.
Parat Plus works
automatically and is designed to lower you to the ground
safely - even from great heights. Parats patented
friction brake system is your key to safety. Your own
body weight activates the system and increases the
braking acton in the correct proportion needed for a
smooth & safe desent - approximately - walking speed.
In an emergency, all you do is follow the instructions
and exit via the window. Parat Plus
begins the lowering process immediately. Once you're
safely on the ground the harness can be pulled back up to
the starting position in order to rescue others. #
Plus - For Your Home, Apartment,
Condominium or Townhouse
bedroom window may be your last means of escape if there
is a fire or an unwanted intruder in your home.
With Parat
Plus, you and your family can get away from the
smoke-flames-danger and down to safety - quickly. Parat
Plus for your home or apartment installs in minutes -
securely - on the inside. Makes An Ordinary Window A
Window of Safety. Fits behind the curtain ready to use!
Children weighing 45 lbs. or more can learn the Parat
Plus System with proper parental instruction. for instant literature - click on the photos and
then print
Everything For Emergency Descent Is Included
Parat Plus includes everything you need for
emergency escape.
harness & body
friction block
life line with
anchor hook and more.
easy-to-understand instructions in
two versions: step-by-step picture graphics and written
Everything is packaged together neatly - ready
to go in an emergency.
Rescue accessories are also available:
Steel anchor cable window breaker emergency light sitcks smoke filter masks child safety harness VHS & PAL Training
videos at your option.
Plus is a reliable way to prevent
being trapped. It puts you in charge of your own safety
and is easy to use -- even in time when panic could
normally occur. The best way to safeguard yourself in a
crisis is to be prepaired... With Parat Plus you're
always ready with your own escape route.
Parat Plus -
For Your Travels
Glide to safety with the Parat Plus Rescue System.... an investment which increases employee safety
& security. Key personnel can never be replaced if disaster
strikes. Any hotel or office building - anywhere - can be unsafe.
Pack the Parat Plus in your luggage and you'll always have a
pre-planned means of escape should you need it. Parat Plus
for travel weighs about 2 lbs., is about the size of a video
cassette - delivered ready to pack in your luggage.
Parat Plus for Travel - delivered with
harness & body
strap picture-graphic &
written text instructions owner's
manual NFPA hotel safety tips
brochure. leather carry bag - just 6
x 9 x 2
everything is delivered safety sealed in
your zippered leather travel bag.
New safety requirements demand safe safe
escape from work areas with limited or no other exits such as:
Plus is designed for flawless operation in an
emergency situation Ultra Light - Parat Plus
travel units weigh under 2 pounds Components used are of the
finest quality and tested to standards which exceed ordinary
usage Parat Plus life line is
strong enough to hold 1,144 lbs. / 519 kg and withstands
temeratures that would burn unprotected skin. Weight range: 45 lbs. to
300 lbs. / 20 to 136 kg. Tested by: The Foundation
for Scientific & Industrial Research Professional &
consumer models available.
How To Use A Travel Unit 1. the harness is placed around the waist & secures to a
fixed hookup point in the room
2. the friction pulley system insures a safe & controlled
3. a light grip on the feed line is sufficient to additionally
slow or even stop if needed or desired
4. the harness can be pulled back to the top to rescue others#
5. rescue accessories are available
6. works automatically to lower safely
7. tested, guaranteed and insured
8. you glide safely to the ground
# permanent units only - travel units can also be used more than
once, however, there is a much longer re-wind time due to the
reversed applicaton of the friction block. therefore travel units
are recommended for single person, single use only. *National
Fire Protection Association.
+Norwegian Fire Protection
Association. Parat Plus (tm) is protected by United States Patent
4,919,231 and other worldwide patents. Parat Plus (tm) and Parat
Plus (tm) Rescue Systems are trademarks of Hart International,
Inc. Made in Norway. Printed in the USA. This Literature is
copyrighted (c) MCMXCII all rights reserved. Specifications sheet
available upon request. SASE to above address.
Specifications may
change due to continuing product imporvements. Revision 08/92/20
The only product of its kind - order your Parat Plus Rescue
System today!