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What happens Backstage should stay Backstage!

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Trust me, It all happens behind the scenes! What happens Backstage,
really should stay Backstage!
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'Backstage' info somewhere safe and you are welcome to return as
often as you like...
In the
Backstage area you will find:
Photos (embarrassing and not-so embarrassing) including the Rick
Denzien photo shoot with Lauren Lyons, and the complete RADIATE album
cover we were not allowed to use!
Videos, including interviews with Rick, live footage, vintage
video, complete with bad hair and dreadful fashion sense. (This has
to be seen!)
Scribblings From Rick. Includes 25 little known personal secrets,
personal thoughts about his photo albums and Rick goes Hollywood, a
collection of observations and anecdotes from the world according to
Rick Denzien.
Articles, Reviews & Interviews. Includes everything about each of
Rick' albums.
Free Music & Audio. Includes 9 tracks that didn't make RADIATE, 7 more tracks from his past albums (full length) and 20
questions, an audio interview with Rick.
Message Board. Feel free to discuss anything with Rick,
personally. This is where he hangs out.

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access backstage pass below
Be the first to know
the full RADIATE CD is released!
(and download
another Rick Denzien song absolutely free!) .