Exit Traveler is a device that will give a person a safe, individual alternative
to the ground in the event all other exits in a high building become
blocked. The unit featured a fire proof steel tape that had a reach of over 12 stories.
My partner, Win and I demonstrated the product throughout the USA - mostly at
invention and fire / rescue shows & expos.
The unit was a one time use device but that made it very difficult and expensive
to demonstrate. I asked Win to give this issue some thought. He came up with an
ingenious solution so that we could demonstrate a single unit repeatedly while at trade shows.
Someone wrote a very nice article about our company in Newsweek Magazine, as a
result, we got invitations to be on television shows all over the
world. In The Netherlands, Win and I looked the window on to a crowd of thousands as I
prepared to descended from the top floor of the Amsterdam Sonesta Hotel on
national television.
We wrote a James Bond style scene for the "Late Night with David Letterman" of
Holland. It was really cool to be "staff writers" for that one
TV show. We filmed every segment and then the big moment when the "Star" also
descended from the top floor, barely escaping Russian spies were about to whack him. It
was a a lot of fun.
After the show was "in the can", Win flew back to the states and I went on
to India where I demonstrated the product from a 12 story hotel building. I didn't even
pee my pants! Our product really worked.
From there, I was off to Sidney, Australia to appeared on the
high tech show "Beyond 2000". The shows host, Maxine Gray, and I decended
from the 4th floor of a Sidney hotel room. Exit Traveler - Designed to save your life....
News Articles about our invention
the Exit Traveler