About Laid OutI grew up in a working man's home. I could see
the toll that 2-3 hours a day of driving back and forth to work took on my
dad. That works our to be 27,200 hours just to get to the job! Or 3
solid years of non-stop hard time on the road with no pee breaks.. I can't
imagine that kind of torture, but all dads do what ever it takes and he did
too. Over his working lifetime he spent 136000 hours at work. That's
5,667 days or roughly 16 years. No wonder I never saw him except at
vacation time.
Side Point: Another way to look at it is he was forced to spew over
240,000 pounds of poison gas emissions in to the air. What was his
job? Making more cars at the Ford Plant in Buffalo. They say
that people back then just didn't know that the car was putting out all that
bad stuff. I say yeah really? How come they didn't pipe the
exhaust into their dinning room then? At any rate, what's our excuse
Back to the main point. Workers everywhere give up something each
hour that they are on their way working, working or on their way back from
work. Working people have a right to collectively bargin for their
common good. To band together, so that companies can't take unfair